The Effectiveness of Mobile Library Services Socialization in Improving Reading Interest in Kabupaten Garut

  • Prosiding Internasional
  • Mutiana Nurmalasari B , Pupung Pundenswari, Maya Nurlita, Ikeu Kania
  • Brawijaya International Conference on Multidisciplinary Sciences and Technology (BICMST 2020) ; 2020, Semarang ;ISBN : 978 – 94 – 6252 – 780 – 5


Mobile library service is created in order to improve people literacy and reading interests that is still relatively low in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to analyze the effectiveness of the mobile library services socialization in improving reading interest. This research adopted qualitative method in the level of descriptive explanation. The survey is observation and interview with several informant related with mobile library services’ managerial and user or reader. Mobile library service in Kabupaten Garut was selected as research object. The result of this research showed that the socialization of mobile library services has not effectively increasing people’s reading motivation. The transformation of technology was indicated people’s behavior in reading. In addition, inadequate facilities and infrastructure became a consideration and should be improved by the managerial of mobile library services. The implication of this research is that this research can be used as a base of public service of mobile library service especially in increasing reading interest.

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