- Prosiding Internasional
- Hedi Cupiadi, Wati Susilawati, Fitin Rawati Suganda
- Sustainable Collaboration in Business, Technology, Information and Innovation 13 th 2022
Electronic payment (e-payment) is one of the conveniences of the current development of financial technology innovation. The existence of e-payment causes changes in consumers behavior in making payments, from conventional to electronic. The research aims to determine the factors that affect consumer perceptions of e-payments for transactions. The difference with other research is determining the dominant factors that influence consumer perceptions. This research uses a quantitative descriptive method with a survey approach to e-payment users with a research sample of 100 people. The data obtained were processed and analyzed using a Confirmatory Factor Analysis approach with the factors studied: benefits, trustworthiness, self-efficacy, ease of use, and safety. The results showed that two dominant factors influence consumer perceptions of e-payment: self-efficacy and benefits. The conclusion is consumers who use e-payment are influenced by their perception of making payment transactions. Hence, companies that issue e-payment systems need to adopt these factors to improve the quality of their e-payments. Keywords: Consumer Perception, E-payment, Financial Technology.
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