The Evaluation of Students’ Soft Skill Development Program Universitas Garut with Quadruple Helix Concept and System Model

  • Prosiding Internasional
  • Ikeu Kania, Erna Rustiana, Gugun Geusan Akbar, Mutiana Budiman, Aceng Ulumudin, Dini Turipanam Alamanda
  • International Symposium on Social Scienses, Education, and Humanities (ISSECH 2018); ISBN/ISSN : 978-94-6252-692-1 / 2352-5398


Lack of students soft skill development in building interpersonal and intrapersonal relationship is a problem that occurs at Universitas Garut. This study aimed to evaluate students soft skill development in order to facing the era of globalization. The research method used was qualitative approach with quadruple helix concept and system model. The data were collected by doing observation and interview with the third vice rector for student’s affairs. It is equipped with the evaluation result from other data such as academic, government, business and community elements. The result of this research showed that soft skill development at Universitas Garut done by either student affairs lecture or supervising lecture is still low. It is shown by students good manner that has not improved yet although formally, Universitas Garut has hold several activities related with student’s soft skill developments such as student orientation, community service, character building, personality development, table manner and other soft skill developments. Based on interviewed with academic, government, business and community elements, the result showed that students of Universitas Garut have obstacles in verbal communication, analytical skills, independence, critical thinking, self-management, motivation, commitment, logical argumentation, initiative, creativity and discipline. The implication of this study is the need of soft skill development program guidance in order to actualize students with good intrapersonal and interpersonal skills.

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