Strategic Entrepreneurship in Enhancing the Role and Competitiveness Advantage of Pharmacy Colleges

  • Prosiding Internasional
  • Kosasih Kosasih, Deden Indradinata, Oktri M. Firdaus, Achmad Fadjar
  • Proceedings of the 2nd Social and Humaniora Research Symposium (SoRes 2019)


Pharmacy Colleges are demanded to have competitiveness and contribution in the economic and social development of the community which so far has been lacking. this requires a strategic entrepreneurship to be able to take advantage of opportunities simultaneously creating competitiveness advantage. This research used descriptive qualitative methods and theoretical studies to get an overview of the implementation of strategic entrepreneurship at pharmacy colleges. The results of the study showed several obstacles and weaknesses of pharmacy colleges in implementing strategic entrepreneurship, including the weak mindset of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship leadership, and the culture of entrepreneurship in managing resources, so that the results of innovation and down streaming of research results are still not widely felt by the public. This requires the application and development of an appropriate strategic entrepreneurship model to be used in pharmacy colleges in seeing opportunities and increasing competitiveness through managing available resources.

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