Does Creativity Determine Business Success? (A Survey study on Marketplace Users in Indonesia)

  • Prosiding Internasional
  • Nizar Alam Hamdani, Miswan Roges Naibaho, Anggun Oktavia
  • Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 657 6th Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2021), DOI: 10.2991/aebmr.k.220701.032, ISBN : 10.2991/aebmr.k.220701.032 ISSN : 2352-5428


This study discusses how creativity can lead to business success. We used a quantitative research design and 58 respondents were selected to take part in this study. The data were statistically analyzed with multiple regression using the SPSS application. Creativity can determine the success of a business. This implies that the success of marketplaces can be gained only if they can make creativity in business. This study has benefits in the development of applied theory which confirms that creativity can determine the success of a marketplace business because creativity is needed to be different from competitors. Being different and unique has the potential to make the marketplace grow. Intelligence in entrepreneurship will be very helpful if you are creative. In addition to solving problems, creativity is needed as capital to face business competition. For further research, it is expected to examine the dependent variable which was not examined in this study. The practical benefit of this study is that business actors need to carefully plan the business created for business continuity. This research model is based on previous research. The novelty of this study is that creativity could influence business success.

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