Less Cash Society Movement: The Impact of Using E-Money on Social Changes
- Prosiding Internasional
- Eldi Mulyana, Tetep Tetep, Nizar Alam Hamdani, Indra Cahya Uno
- Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 657 6th Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2021), ISBN 10.2991/aebmr.k.220701.006 ISSN 2352-5428 DOI 10.2991/aebmr.k.220701.006
This study aims to examines the phenomenon of electronic money and its impact on social change in urban areas
described by Virilios acceleration theory. Data collection techniques through interviews with informants using
electronic money applications in Garut Regency. The results showed that the impact of using electronic money on social
change led to a new transaction style that replaced the use of cash. During the Covid-19 pandemic, informants who use
electronic money feel that it is easy to make transactions without having to bother carrying a lot of money. Product
offerings are becoming more and more intense on social media which creates consumptive behavior in the community,
such as being easily attracted to shopping vouchers, offered discounts, and tempted by the cashback phenomenon offered
by several online shopping applications. So, the presence of technology is something that cannot be separated from
human life. In accordance with Virilios statement regarding dromology, society is experiencing accelerated social
change due to the influence of technology that is developing continuously. The governments policy on the National
Non-Cash Movement/National Non-Cash Movement is the reason that people are directed to a less cash society.
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