The Effect of Work Discipline on the Performance of Village Officials in Kadungora District
- Jurnal Internasional
- IekeSartika Iriany, Wilan Alsami, Rostiena Pasciana, Ema Rismayanti
- IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS); Volume 27, Issue 10, Series 6 bulan Oktober tahun 2022; ISSN : 2279-0845
Abstract: Background: The level of discipline and performance of village officials in Kadungora District, Garut Regency, Karangmulya Village, Talagasari Village, and Kadungora Village is still said to be low due to the lack of attendance levels, both the presence of village officials every working day and the presence of village officials in every activity in the village and lack of obedience to work regulations. Materials and Methods: The method in this research used descriptive quantitative to determine the village officials work discipline and performance in Kadungora District, Garut Regency. The number of samples was 33 respondents. The analysis technique used simple regression testing with the help of the SPSS 23 analysis tool.....
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