The Influence of Product Innovation on Competitive Advantage in the Beverage Business

  • Prosiding Internasional
  • Nizar Alam Hamdani and Rifan Rahmat Ramdani
  • Jumlah Penulis : 2 Orang Status Pengusul : Penulis Pertama Nama prosiding : Proceedings of the 7th Global Conference on Business, Management, and Entrepreneurship (GCBME 2022) Hal : 1776–1783, terbit 29 September 2023 EISSN: 2352-5428 ISBN : 10.2991/978-9


This study discusses the Effect of Product Innovation on Competitive Advantage in Beverage Business. The researchers used a causal research design with a survey type of 58 respondents who were consumers The data analysis technique used is a linear regression test using the SPSS version 25 application. Product Innovation has a positive and significant effect on Competitive Advantage. This research benefits from developing an applied theory that competitive advantages in the beverage industry are strongly influenced by competitive advantages. For further research, it is hoped that it can examine dependent variables that are not listed in this research model and can conduct even better research. This research has practical benefits for business actors to increase value by continuously developing product innovations to achieve competitive advantage. This research model is compiled based on gaps in previous studies and methods of collecting data from populations or samples that can be measured. The novelty in this study is the testing of how much influence Product Innovation has on Competitive Advantage and the selection of different research sites.

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