The Income Analysis and Ratio Revenue Cost of Dairy Cattle Farming Business In The Dry Land and on Located or Adjacent to The Forest- Agro- Ecosystems

  • Prosiding Internasional
  • Tendy Kusmayadi
  • PROCEEDING Internasional Conference and Congres of The Indonesia Society of Agricultural Economics (ICC-ISAE), ISBN : 798-979-8420-20-7, Tahun Terbit, Lokasi : 23-25 Agustus 2017, Yogyakarka, Halaman/penerbit : 3-12, Terindek di :


Analisis Pendapatan dan Rasio Biaya Pendapatan Peternakan Sapi Perah di Letak atau Berdekatan dengan Agroekosistem Hutan-Lahan Kering (Survei Peternakan Sapi Perah di Desa Pamalayan Kecamatan Bayongbong Garut)

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