Perbandingan Performa Produksi Ayam Kampung Lokal dan Ayam Kampung Super

  • Prosiding Nasional
  • Tendy Kusmayadi
  • Prosiding : Seminar Nasional PKM UNPAS. ISBN : 978-602-0942-25-4, Tahun Terbit, Lokasi : 13 Desember 2018, Bandung, Halaman/Penerbit : 1138-1146, Unpas.


ABSTRACT The aim of this program was to determine the performance of super native chicken production developed by the Campus Innovation Product Development Program (PPUPIK) at the University of Garut and to compare the growth rates between super native chicken and local native chicken. The benefit is to be used as information in seeing business opportunities from super native chicken farming. The research data was obtained by observation techniques, documentation from the production of super native chicken farming in chicken coops owned by the PPUPIK program, also by taking data from the literature. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively and quantitatively. The performance of super native chicken compared to local native chickens has higher body weight, lower mortality, and lower feed conversion. Based on its performance, the super native chicken farming business is more profitable compared to local native chicken Keywords. Local native chicken, super native chicken, performance, productivity

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