The Impact of Public Service Quality on Holiday Toward Visitors’s Satisfaction

  • Prosiding Internasional
  • Erna Ruatiana, Ikeu Kania, Abdullah Ramdhani, Hedi Cupiadi
  • Nama Prosiding : Proceedings of The First International Conference on Administration Science (ICAS 2019), ISBN/ISSN : 2352-5398


Public service is a responsibility and the existence of bureaucratic transformation by the government must be public satisfaction oriented. The public perception shows that the public services quality by the government has not yet been optimized. This research aims to identify the effect of public holiday services quality and working spirit employees on public satisfaction in Garut Regency. This research uses descriptive and associative methods. The technique of collecting data uses questionnaire surveys and interviews. Participants involved were people who felt public services as many as 385 people. The data analysis technique uses PLS-SEM with reflective model, testing convergent validity based on loading factor and average variance extracted (AVE), testing discriminant validity based on reliability composite values and Cronbach alpha, testing the predictive ability of models with Stone Geisser test and the significance of the influence between constructs of latent variables based on Total Effects values. The results showed that public holiday service quality has a significant effect on public satisfaction while working spirit employees have no significant effect on public satisfaction. The results found that working spirit employees were needed to improve in the public service process.

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