Digital Storytelling in Exploring Ideational Meanings of Narrative Genre (SFL Genre-Based Approach)
- Prosiding Internasional
- Yustika Nur Fajriah, Nizar Alam Hamdani, Anne Ratna Suminar, Lucky Rahayu Nurjamin, Muhamad Taufik Hidayat
- Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 584 Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Research in Social Sciences and Humanities (ICORSH 2020), ISSN 2352-5398 ISBN 978-94-6239-448-3
Digital Storytelling is not newly discussed by scholars in EFL teaching contexts. However, studies focusing on
how Digital Story is employed to develop literacy in meaning-making the text among students are still very few. Thus, this
study is an endeavor to investigate how Digital Storytelling is carried out to help students mean the representation of the texts.
The data were obtained from the implementation of Digital Storytelling in teaching students narrative texts in the first grade
of a Senior High School in Indonesia as the focus participants. Peculiarly, this qualitative study used the theory of SFL-GBA
as the reference adopted in the teaching and learning process. The result revealed that students were guided to mean the texts
in all stages of the Genre-Based Approach, especially in Modelling of the Text. In this phase, the teacher attempted to assist
students to explore experiences represented in the Digital images. To conclude, Digital Storytelling helped the students to
understand how digital images could accommodate appropriate types of processes, participants, as well as circumstances to
fulfill the social function of the narrative texts.
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